Islamic Boarding Schools

We have chosen Islamic boarding schools as our charity target because we strongly believe in promoting the teaching of Islamic values and beliefs to our youngsters. We understand the importance of instilling a strong foundation of faith and spirituality in their lives, and boarding schools provide an ideal environment for this. By supporting these schools, we aim to ensure that our young generation not only receives a quality education but also develops a deep understanding and connection to their Islamic heritage. These schools play a crucial role in nurturing our youth, providing them with a safe and nurturing space to learn, grow, and practice their faith. Through our charity efforts, we aim to contribute to the development of strong, confident, and conscientious Muslim individuals who can positively contribute to society.

About the project

Starting point

Engaging with educational experts, we uncovered what the most fundamental tools are for trainee teachers. This included how much time was required for training.

Support from local communities

Finding out the main enduring barriers to education, as well as the most essential requirements to childhood development in our community, was at the core of our mission here.

End result

By listening, engaging, and understanding exactly what was needed to empower educators in targeted islamic boarding schools, we were able to meet the necessary needs for the targets.

“Life is too short to chase anything other than Jannah.”