HITS is a non-profit charity initiatives to share as much as we can

How it all started

Partnering with Local Communities

By nurturing relationships with likeminded organizations and private individuals, we're able to unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what traditional funding can do alone.

2021 : M. Oghie Nugraha Harahap
2022 : Queenta Rahatesa
2023 : Ushwatul Jannah
2024 : Tio Rizky
Finance & Donations

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner.

Our Coordinators

This is a purely heart-driven initiative to decrease indifference and increase empathy. A hope in unity strengthened our Ukhuwah.
It starts with "Hi," and together we "Share.". We run this initiative annually during Ramadan month, and hopefully we can distribute plenty to those who are deserving.

Meet Our Team


"The month of Ramadan is the excact turning point for human beings to recalling again the moment of fasting as of we become more grateful for the blessings Allah subhanahu wata’ala gives. We can always distribute the feelings of grateful to orphans and poor people in need as this charity program happened year by year. The friendship that is still established between HI To Share Team hopefully in the future can last in the long term also become a long hand to brighten lives in need."


"I always believe we can change the world; however, it is always started from a corner of our surroundings, and here we are, 4 years running, and it is always a pleasure to see that we too can do something for others, and I am proud to be part of this initiative."

"Always be kind and considerate. Because what is very small for us, may mean a lot to someone else who needs it."


“We step from heart to heart, moving through this sacred month of Ramadhan, sharing with sincerity, and aiming for smiles as we approach Eid. I believe that with the spirit of giving, we can live more meaningfully until that blessed day. I am proud to be part of HI To Share.”


"Being part of Ramadhan charity initiatives isn't just about donating; it's about weaving empathy into the fabric of our community, HI to Share is one of the way to increase our emphaty."


"In the month of Ramadhan, giving is not just an act; it's a profound reflection of compassion and solidarity with the less fortunate, and it reflects through HI to Share initiatives."


“You'll be surprise by Allah's miracle when you take one step closer to kindness. As HITS motto, "It starts from Hi 👋 and together we share 🤲🏼”

“Ramadan is the best chance to ask Allah for forgiveness. Thanks to Allah for blessings and for keeping you alive till this moment.”

“As we fast and contemplate throughout the month of Ramadan, let us keep in mind that charity is about more than just giving—it's about empowering our local community. Together, let's use humankind's power to spread blessings, help those in need, and build a more resilient and caring community.”

Ramadan is not only a month of fasting and prayer but also a time for generosity and charity, where hearts open wider and hands reach out further to those in need.”

"Ramadan teaches us the beauty of selflessness. Engaging in charity initiatives fosters a sense of purpose beyond ourselves; being part of HI to Share is what it means to be selfless."

"In the month of Ramadan, our actions speak volumes. Through charity, we amplify the spirit of compassion, making a tangible difference in the lives of others, HI to Share is the platform to actualize the ideas"

“Ramadan is a month of giving, a time when our hearts are filled with compassion and our hands are open wide. Let us embrace the spirit of charity, extending our kindness to those in need within our local community, being part of HI to Share is one of my pride as a human being.”

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way, I believes with this initiative can do great things because our team here in HI to Share is marvelous.”

“Giving can take many different forms. It can be as basic as posting something on social media or as complex as investing time, energy, money, or even ideas.”

“As we fast during Ramadan, let our hearts feast on the joy of giving. Each contribution to charity is a testament to our shared humanity.”

"Ramadhan reminds us that generosity knows no bounds. Through charity Initiatives like HI to Share, we light the way for those in need."

“Don't feel ashamed when giving little for charity. That is because there is always goodness in giving no matter how little.”

-Ali bin Abi Thalib-